Local Search Engine Optimization


Local SEO Explained

Traditional Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a way that businesses use keyword implementation to achieve a higher ranking on the results page, reach their desired audiences and generate more revenue.

Local SEO services differ from traditional SEO services in that with proper local SEO usage, your business’s page will appear among the highest-ranking sites on the results page when a user conducts an internet search about products or services that your business sells in their area. It is a way to increase your visibility to those who are local to your place of business.

Reasons to Focus on Local SEO Services

Customers are increasingly making decisions based on location. This is why utilizing local SEO is crucial to your business. Local SEO is trackable, so you will be able to see how your business’s local SEO is performing. You can pinpoint which items of your campaign to keep and which to change up based on your local SEO performance. Additionally, the Google My Business results will bring you great results when paired with local SEO. Both your website and your local, physical location will experience more traffic with local SEO.


To learn more about how our talented team can assist you, contact us online today, or give us a call at (949) 281-9068.

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Local SEO is the practice of optimizing your website for a specific local area.


Local SEO Services to Land a High-Ranking Results

Luna Coast Media will focus on several different local SEO services to boost your business’s ranking on the results page.

First is optimizing your “Google My Business” listing by including key information about your business that shows up when people search for certain types of companies near them. In order to appear at the top of Google’s results, your Google My Business page must be claimed and properly maintained.

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To maintain your page, it is important to include local citation building, which includes your company’s name, address, phone number, website, hours and other important information that potential customers want access to immediately after finding your business. Keyword targeting is also crucial to the upkeep of your page so that potential customers will be sent to your business’s page before they are sent to a competitor’s page. Managing your rating and reviews is necessary, as responding to customer’s comments, questions, ratings, and reviews show that you are genuinely interested in their needs and opinions. Earning backlinks in what is called “link building” (where other webpages include a link to your business’s webpage) is another factor of maintaining your page. Lastly, having a mobile-friendly and responsive design that allows users to have a positive user experience is also beneficial to optimizing your Google My Business page’s SEO.

To learn more or for help on how to claim your business’s Google My Business page, please call us at (949) 281-9068

local business SEO in Orange County CA

“I was wasting so much time trying to figure out the best online strategy for my company. After several false starts on my own, I hired Luna Coast Media to design my new website and manage my online accounts. They do a great job and I already see the results in more followers, and more importantly much more engagement. They are professional and work hard to make my company successful!”

- D. E. Designs

Questions or comments? Call us at (949) 281-9068