Custom Video Production

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Video Production from Luna Coast Media

Luna Coast Media recognizes the impact a video can have when cultivating a brand. Professional and personalized videos are important and effective at building trust, brand recognition and conversions when potential customers visit your website. Luna Coast Media has experienced video producers that can create a video campaign that meets the needs of your business.

Here’s Why Video Marketing is so Important

Videos make your website more interactive, inviting and captivating. They draw users in and cause them stay on your website for extended periods of time. When users spend more time watching your videos and interacting with your website, they are more likely to learn about your business and its products or services, leading to an increase in conversion rate, sales, and customer loyalty. Additionally, when users spend time on your website, search engines perceive your website as containing important information that should be seen by many people, so your website ranks higher on the results page.


To learn more about how our talented team can assist you, contact us online today, or give us a call at (949) 281-9068.


Evidence shows that when there is quality video content to back up your product, you are more likely to generate sales of that product. This is because trust is instilled in your potential customers when they watch the video.


Why Partner with Luna Coast for your Video Production Needs?

Our experts at Luna Coast Media understand the effects that a good quality video can have when added to a website. If you are looking to stand out among competing websites, using our services will allow your page to be lively and engaging. Videos add an extra layer of communication that is missed altogether in the presence of text-only websites. Luna Coast Media will provide you with a unique video that is custom-made to fulfill your needs as a business.

Video Marketing Orange County California 92677

Our Video Services

In order to help your business succeed, Luna Coast Media always keeps your goals in mind. One way we can help you achieve your goals is by providing you with relevant and captivating content for your customers to view.

Evidence shows that when there is video content to back up your product, you are more likely to generate sales of that product. This is because of the trust that is instilled in your potential customers when they watch the video. Videos can make or break product sales, so do not pass on this opportunity to reach your audience. When you are ready to start on your custom video, please contact us at (949) 281-9068

luna coast video creation youtube

Videos For Social Media

Creating videos to put on social media gives your business a competitive edge over others, as social media usage is so widespread in current society. With a social media video, you are able to inform users, show them how to use your product, discuss what can be expected out of a specific service, convince them as to why they need to use your specific product or service, and more. All of these factors lead to more online traffic, heightened conversion rates and sales. Creating videos for social media usage is a great opportunity for your business’s growth and success.

User Engagement Videos

Google tracks the amount of time that people stay on your website. When people spend increasingly longer periods of time on your website, Google perceives that content as beneficial and something useful for consumers. Many people would prefer to see a video about a product or service as opposed to having to spend an extended amount of time reading pages of text. Thus, engagement videos are crucial in keeping website visitors on your page for longer periods of time. These kinds of videos allow you to connect with your audience in ways that text alone cannot. User engagement videos can discuss specifics of your product, explain how it works, or simply inform them about any aspect of the product.

Explainer Videos

Utilizing explainer videos is another way to keep your audience active on your website for longer periods of time. As opposed to trying to tell your audience through text what you want to convey, explainer videos give you the opportunity to converse with your audience via video. These videos are great in increasing the number of conversions (along with user engagement videos). Regardless of your industry, explainer videos can provide the proper engagement your business needs.

Product Videos

Product videos allow you to share your product with your target audience, resulting in an increase in conversions and sales. Grabbing your audience’s attention with marketplace product videos is especially effective. With product videos, you are able to show your product and its unique features directly to customers instead of only telling them about it.

Video Production Orange County CA
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Video Marketing Statistics 2019

More than 70% of the U.S. population (subscription required) owns a smartphone. And as the number rises, more consumers will be able to access mobile video marketing. Further, a recent report found that 85% of millennials have purchased a product after watching an online promotional video, a figure higher than any other demographic. The widespread popularity of, and engagement with, video content among this generation leads me to believe that video-based content will continue to be a dominant marketing channel in the coming years. - Forbes

Questions or comments? Call us at (949) 281-9068